With the project ‘Skills4Integration of Migrants, Refugees and Asylum Seekers’, we address the integration of adult refugees, asylum seekers and migrants who have notable disadvantages in literacy, numeracy and digital skills. Within the scope of the project, we are creating a web-based platform that contains numerous lessons on these topics, including interactive exercises and video lessons. Also, a training manual will be created to support volunteer educators of adult migrants and refugees.
By this point, the creation of the learning material in English has been completed fully and translations to Finnish, Portuguese, Greek, French and Dutch are progressing.
There will be 30 lessons for each topic – language learning, digital skills and maths – available with topics ranging from following a recipe, job application & citizenship over creating an email account, creating flyers & keyboard shortcuts to basic calculations, money management & statistics. All of them will be available both on the interactive Web APP and as downloadable PDFs that can be printed.
The development of the Web APP interface has been completed and our staff has gone through training for uploading the interactive lessons. Uploads for the English lessons have been initiated and are now in full swing – to be followed by Portuguese and the other languages.
Here are some insights on layout and handling of the Web APP:

The next step will be to create transcripts for the video modules, which will include 30 numeracy modules and 30 digital skills modules. The responsible organisation for this result will be Innovation Frontiers IKE from Greece – supported by all other partners. Once finalised, they will be made available by TropicalAstral on the Web APP.
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