Tropical Astral

On the 19th of September and until the 23rd of September, the PRO-DIGITA project partners were all together in Zaragoza, a wonderful city where we were all very well received. TropicalAstral Lda sent four participants to Spain for this training.

Throughout the LTTA, several workshops were presented that aimed to provide knowledge about various digital tools that help in teaching and managing classes, such as: Miro Platform, Asana, Actionbound and Moodle.
All participants did test exercises with these digital platforms.

The project’s digital platform was also tested and the contents to be added by each partner were decided. In general terms, everything that would be proposed to do during this LTTA was covered and it was also a way for all partners to get to know each other better and to participate together in brainstorming activities that greatly facilitated good communication between all.

Increasing the digital transformation of trainers and trainees through the development of digital capacity is the general aim of the ‘Pro Digita’ project, therefore, all the workshops provided during the LTTA were very important to achieve this objective.

Promoting Learning in Adult Education by Digital Tools is an Erasmus+ project.

This project is funded with the support of the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union. Project No: 2021-2-PT01-KA210-ADU-000049637. This communication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.