ECDI – Everybody can do it
Project duration: 2012-2014 Partners: Portugal, Spain, Turkey, Romania, Bulgaria, Romania, Finland, UK “Everybody can do it”. The goal of this Partnership Project is: To promote gender equality in the roles played by men and women in public and private life by emphasizing the importance of autonomy, not being dependable because of the traditional gender division of tasks in private everyday life. To promote social integration and self-esteem by reinforcing learners’ awareness of their own skills and potential to be an active part of society. The project partners will conduct research on “Women and men–realities of the European present” and the final product will be the booklet “We are equal! Guide of good practices on gender equality”. Impact on learners, staff, institutions and local community is expected. Project funded by LLP – LDV – European Grundtvig Learning Partnership: 2012-1-ES1-GRU06-53391-6
Project duration: 2012-2014 Partners: Italy, Estonia, Finland “Language learning and teaching in Estonia, Finland and Italy: how to make use of cultural similarities and differences in classroom and in learning through culture” The aim of the project is to exchange experience with other Finnish and Italian institutions offering language courses for adults. Through the work in meetings, seminars and lessons and the work in virtual classrooms, the partners will work out new methodologies that will develop the learners’ communication skills and business language. Website | LiveBinder Project funded by LLP – LDV – European Grundtvig Learning Partnership: 2012-1-EE1-GRU06-03623-2
Project duration: 2012-2014 Partners: Latvia, Turkey, Finland, Poland, Italy ”Learning through teaching”.The aim of the project is for the partners to provide good practices, experiences, methods and seminars on adult education for implementing European Key competencies for lifelong learning and multicultural learning in their organizations and communities The target group of the project are adult learners and trainers for adults of any age. Participants in the project will share their experience and improve their pedagogical skills in organizing learning for adults both through theoretical sessions and practical delivery of their experience to others. One key competence will be discussed during each seminar and during the workshops organized in each of the partner countries. The result of the project will be an e- book containing a list of recommendations and approaches in adult education on how to teach key competencies for adults in the context of European diversity. Facebook Project funded by European Grundtvig Learning Partnership: 2012-1-LV1-GRU06-03598-3
Project duration: 2012-2014 Partners: Finland , Belgium, Portugal, Italy Investigating teachers’ practices in using technology for Adult Language Learning (TECH4ALL) aims at meeting one of the main challenges of adult immigrant population in Europe which is to improve their knowledge and competence in linguistic and digital skills. The aim of the project is to support vulnerable social groups and people at risk, especially migrants whose integration in a new social, economical, educational and cultural environment depends highly on their ability to learn the language of the host country. Within this framework, this partnership aims at giving adult language learners the opportunity to exchange experiences and share ideas in using new technologies, as a means to improve the second/foreign language learning. All participating countries (Cyprus, United Kingdom, Finland, Greece, Italy, Portugal, Belgium and Turkey) are countries which have experienced the need for supporting vulnerable social groups and learners at risk of social marginalisation. Thus, the current partnership is expected to be of high importance for the European community in general. Facebook | Website | LiveBinder Project funded by LLP – LDV – European Grundtvig Learning Partnership: 2012-1-CY1-GRU06-02397 3
Project duration: 2011-2013 Partners: Finland, Italy, Spain, Romania, Latvia Segundas Lenguas y Nuevas Tecnologías (SLNT) is an international project in the educational sphere involving partners from Spain, Italy, Romania, Latvia and Finland. The project focuses on second language teaching; its main objective is creating an adaptation of the European Language Portfolio to the environment of second language teaching in formal settings. The project tries to integrate three important concepts in society and current education: New Technologies (Tics), Second Language Learning and Culture. Second Language Learning has seen that the Tics have helped to develop a new communicative methodology in the last years. Our intention is to use, to learn and to take advantage of these modern informatics items for the language teaching‐learning process and to prepare some new material. The SLNT project addresses intercultural problems and intends to give adult immigrants the full assurance that learning a second language is entirely possible and prevent them from social isolation by creating a virtual learning community, promoting integration, social advancement and employment. Facebook Project funded by LLP – LDV – European Grundtvig Learning Partnership: 2011-1-ES1-GRU06-35075 2