TIME2ACT@SD – Time to Act through Sustainable Experiences for HigherEducation Students
Project Duration: 2022-2025
TIME2ACT@SD aims to contribute to the development of knowledge, skills, and attitudes, as well as changing of behaviours among European higher education (HE) students, in the field of sustainable development (SD) and SD Goals(SDG), through the development of interactive content, digital tools, and innovative teaching methodologies, based on the use of the gamification, for HE teachers’ use in formal and non-formal education.
A set of open educational resources will be produced and a set of initiatives to address the lack of knowledge and skills and change attitudes and actions towards SD among young people attending HE will be promoted. Through innovative practices of training and education (MOOC and gamification strategies) and through active methodologies (workshops and bootcamps, as activities of experimental nature), the project aims to promote literacy in the target group in the field of SD/SDG, as well as behavioural changes regarding individual preferences, awareness of SD, consumption habits and lifestyles.
The TIME2ACT@SD results will be:
- 3 transnational studies with HE students and teachers about SD topics (scientific papers);
- 3 MOOC and 3 webinars aiming to promote the HE students’ literacy on environmental, social and economic sustainability;
- web/mobile based and immersive games on SD;
- 1 virtual workshop on educational games;
- 2 sustainability bootcamps;
- 1 online platform;
- focus groups with HEI stakeholders;
- 1 international conference.
The applicant country is Portugal. Partners are Cyprus, Belgium, Finland, Italy, Portugal & Turkey.
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The project is financed by Erasmus+ KA2: 2022-1-PT01-KA220-HED-000087984