Tropical Astral


Project Duration: 2019 – 2021 Our project, IndyLan, will develop an educational tool designed specifically for users to learn not only some of Europe’s endangered languages but also more about the cultures of the people who speak these languages. The tool constitutes a gamified language-learning solution in the form of a mobile application. Smartphones have become a popular educational tool and the number of the smartphone and tablet users of all ages is constantly growing in the EU. The IndyLan application will help speakers of English, Spanish, Norwegian, Swedish and Finnish to learn Gaelic (designated as ‘definitely endangered’), Scots (‘severely endangered’), Cornish (‘critically endangered’), Basque (‘severely endangered’), Galician (a minority language) and Saami (‘severely endangered’). The application is building on a previous project, Moving Languages, with the key difference that IndyLan will produce one application for all languages, and not multiple language-specific applications as Moving Languages did. IndyLan will contain around 4,000 vocabulary items (both terms and expressions) in about 100 categories. The modes that will be available in the application are: Vocabulary; Phrases; Dialogues; Grammar; Culture; Test. The vocabulary can be practised in several study modes, such as (the list below is indicative): 1. Flashcards for image+text practice 2. Choose the image according to the word 3. Select translation 4. Multiple choice with images 5. Multiple choice with words 6. Matching 7. Choose the letters 8. Write the missing word 9. Listening comprehension (with audio files) Most of the items will be illustrated for easy concept recognition. There will be audio for all vocabulary, phrases, dialogues etc. The app will also include a dedicated Culture tab with texts, music and images, where users will be able to learn more about the heritage and culture of the people speaking the selected endangered languages. The IndyLan application will be available for download globally for free in both iOS and Android. Like all language-learning apps, IndyLan is complementary to other language- and culture courses and can be considered to be part of self-study material. Our vision is for the IndyLan app to contribute to endangered language learning and revitalisation so that these languages remain alive and relevant in contemporary societies and economies. Facebook | Website | Newsletter 1 | Newsletter 2 | Newsletter 5 | LiveBinder | YouTube (Swedish) | YouTube (Finnish) The project is financed by Erasmus+ KA2: 2019-1-UK01-KA204-061875

Mental Health+

Project Duration: 2019 – 2021 MH+ will develop governance and benchmarking tools for use by VET professionals in order to understand and improve their current approach to mental health issues. Consequently, MH+ aims to develop a complementary ‘top down’ approach which allows VET institutions to fully understand how mental health and well-being fit into their services, and so develop responses that are inclusive of a range of learners. This will be achieved by developing a series of governance and benchmarking resources that underpin a structured and supported approach to quality service design. Partners will first develop an MH+ Charter which will set out the minimum requirements an organization needs to conform to in order to consider its provisions inclusive of learners with mental health issues. This will be achieved through desk and field research into current best practices and emergent trends across Europe. The Charter will then be used as the basis for an interactive digital benchmarking tool that VET practitioners will be able to use to assess their current services and then track their improvement. Each organisation’s score against the Charter will form a ‘Mental Health Footprint’, with those organizations scoring highly awarded an MH+ quality mark. The final project output has been designed with sustainability and long-term impact in mind, as partners will produce a skills profile and resources for the development of a Mental Health Champion role. This will help MH+ achieve a wide impact on the governance structures found across VET institutions, helping these organizations to become more welcoming and inclusive for a range of young people with mental health issues. This will see an improvement in the numbers of students from these groups engaging with VET services, helping to address the current retention and drop out rates in VET. E-book  |  Charter  |  Facebook  |  Newsletter The project is financed by Erasmus+ KA2: 2019-1-UK01-KA202-062036


Project Duration: 2019 – 2021 The project ASSESS aims to define innovative methods and tools for the assessment of EFL learners. Its main goal is to bring new approaches to assessment and contribute to the development of evaluation consciousness. It also wants to support the restoration of the assessment system and share good practices among European countries. By creating an international network, schools and teachers can learn from one another, share valuable knowledge and insights and are better equipped. This strategic partnership offers a bridging innovative activity with concrete outcomes in Europe. These aspects contribute to many key objectives of The Europe 2020 strategy such as “promoting entrepreneurship, creativity, and innovativeness at all levels of education”, “Promoting the acquisition of skills and competences “ and “adopting a holistic approach to language teaching and learning.” The Project will be implemented with a total of 6 partners from 6 countries: Portugal, Turkey, Finland, Greece, Germany, and Spain. Some of the chosen partner countries are known well with their language education in the schools. The partnership will create an online exam creator where EFL teachers can share the best methods and techniques in the assessment of young learners. Facebook | Website | Exam Creator | Newsletter 1 | Newsletter 2 | Newsletter 3 | YouTube The project is financed by Erasmus+ KA2: 2019-1-PT01-KA201-061275


Project duration: 2019 – 2021 “IntegrAction – Action for socio-economic integration of refugees and asylum seekers” project is elaborated in order to promote the social and economic inclusion of the refugees and asylum seekers in the local context of reception. The general objective of the IntegrAction project is to contribute to the social and economic inclusion of migrants, refugees and asylum seekers in the local context of reception. The Specific Objectives are: To improve the linguistic competences of refugees and asylum seekers in order to promote the process of socio-economic integration. To increase the employability of immigrants through the strengthening of socio-professional and entrepreneurship competencies aimed at job placement, active job search and self-employment. To develop social and intercultural competences in immigrants stimulating their active participation in the local communities through mutual understanding initiatives. The intellectual Outputs within the project are connected with the main barriers faced by refugees and asylum seekers: host country language, access to the job market, social acceptation by local communities of the host country. The IO1 – “Tool4aLLs – Toolkit on digital tools for Literacy and Language proficiency”; The IO2 “Immigrants in the Labour Market: a manual to facilitate entrepreneurship and business start-up”; The IO3 “Webdoc – Migrant Diaries”   Facebook | Website | LiveBinder | Tools4alls | Newsletter | Handbook for Entrepreneurs | YouTube (Finnish) | YouTube (English) The project is financed by Erasmus+ 2019-1-IT02-KA204-063302


Project duration: 2019 – 2021 The GREAT project focuses on learning, teaching and using new technologies and being adequate about using the digital competences. It cannot be denied that it is compulsory to keep up with the technology. In order to be able to use it in a positive way, first teachers should include the usage of technology in their yearly plans and curriculum. Technology is playing a critical role in how curricula are being developed and implemented. This is reflected in a huge movement in many countries to create STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) curricula to prepare students for lifelong learning and the demands of the future. Through this project, the children who have difficulties to learn many abstract concepts will become familiar with the contents of new technologies thanks to the coding and robotics. The children will have a better understanding and will have the ability to think in three dimensions. Reading books or just studying is not enough for us to reach information. Because even in a second, a new invention emerges and we have countless new automatic vehicles. The world of science brings technology to today’s inventions and brings the products we use with coding and robotics to the points we cannot imagine. All of them come from the perfect harmony of coding and robotics. Therefore, starting from the early ages, coding and solving the robotic language, they will continue their lives without confusion as they will understand the content of the new inventions which they will encounter during their lives. Primary school students will be introduced to coding through Block-Based Coding through robotics, which involves dragging and matching different “blocks” of instructions. Secondary school students will learn Python programming and utilize Makeblock robots and construct advanced projects. Professional Development is the key to success, thus teachers will be equipped with key competencies and skills which will assist them to succeed in their professional or academic careers. Facebook  |  LiveBinder The project is financed by Erasmus+ 2019-1-UK01-KA201-062030


Project duration 2019-2021 LANGO – Language on the go Project LANGO is the development of a mobile phone app and web portal working in tandem. The project aims to provide European language education for refugees and new-comers, making Europe their new home. LANGO is an ERASMUS+ funded project and involves five partner organizations: The Netherlands, Belgium, Turkey, Greece, and Finland. The languages of these countries (except Finland) represent the target languages on the app. This project is a continuation of the previous project Moving Languages. There will be many refugee languages common to those of the arrivals in each of the partnered countries. These will include common mother tongues such as Arabic and Farsi, as well as some minority dialects such as the three dialects of Kurdish, Sorani, Bardini, and Kurmanji. Therefore, all the menu items and audio files contained on the app in the target language can be translated into the mother tongue of the learner. This feature will enable learners from a zero foreign language background to begin educating themselves on a free, easy, and fun to use mobile app. The web-portal will contain printable PDF study material and will play host to the animated Daily Life series involving 10 x two-minute episodes in each of the partnering languages. These episodes will also include follow up exercises to support a better understanding of the content and at the same time, teach critical cultural differences. Project LANGO is an innovative and creative way to engage refugees and new-comers in their integration process in a less formal way. After all, learning should be fun. Facebook  |  LiveBinder  |  YouTube The project is financed by Erasmus+ 2019-1-NL01-KA204-060376

City Quiz

Project duration: 2019 – 2021 The main aim of the City Quiz & Walk project is to enhance integration and cultural education of migrants, immigrants, expats, and students using an innovative city quiz mobile application. According to the research conducted at the preparatory part of this project application, the mobile app created for this project will be a unique digital solution both for the foreigners residing in partner countries as well as the professionals working with immigrants and refugees. In this project, we will deliver 5 versions of the mobile application for city quizzes with the main focus on the partner’s cultures in their capital cities. The partner countries are Finland, France, Greece, Portugal and Lithuania. This thematic app will contain illustrated and text questions that will help the user get a better understanding of the culture, traditions and key figures in the partner cultures. In our mobile app we will be offering a possibility to explore the culture and history both by solving the online quizzes in the mobile app and (when the app user is present at the quiz location) by following the map of the area to be able to solve the quizzes and familiarize themselves with the places on which the questions are based. Each version of the mobile application will be available in 2 languages English as well as the partner language. After the project completion, similar mobile apps can be created for other cities. Facebook  |  Website  |  Newsletter  |  YouTube The project is financed by Erasmus+ KA2: 2019-1-FI01-KA204-060734


Project duration: 2018 – 2020 This project, Financial Education for Educators aims to build capacity in organisations providing financial education by empowering the organisations and their staff to deliver high quality training in financial and economic literacy. Within this broad aim, the main objectives are to: Provide a comparative analysis of the preparation of financial educators in Europe, North America and Australia to inform the future training and preparation of financial educators Review existing curriculum and competence frameworks in finance, and formulate a financial and economic competence framework for educators Improve the financial and economic competence of at least 14 adult educators to deliver financial education to adults Provide opportunities for adult educators to improve their competence to deliver financial training though an e-course in financial and economic literacy. Create a course that would confer “certified financial educator” status to that completing it successfully.   The project is aligned to: European 20-20 strategy and New Skills Agenda – within developing digital competence is a priority Erasmus + objectives of improving the level of key competences and skills, with regard to their relevance for the labour market and their contribution to a cohesive society through increased opportunities for learning mobility Fostering quality improvements, innovation excellence and enhancing transnational cooperation; and   It supports KA2 objectives by Extending and developing educators’ competences, particularly in the effective teaching of literacy, numeracy and digital skills to low-skilled or low-qualified adults, including through the effective use of ICT Improving the high quality learning opportunities through innovative means including non-formal education Improving the key competences of adult learners, especially those that are disadvantaged   Facebook The project is financed by Erasmus+ KA2: 2018-1-UK01-KA204-048179


Project duration: 2018 – 2020 Recent developments in gender issues – from an increased awareness of trans rights to female equality and ‘lad’ culture – have brought a range of gender identities into the mainstream. At the same time Generation Z has a far more fluid approach to gender than has previously been seen. The problem for VET schools is that they have found it difficult to keep up to date with these rapid developments. As a result, their provision, facilities and policies are not always set up to offer a welcoming environment for the range of gender identities that may now look to engage with their services. This is true of potential new staff as well as students – with a shift in the whole approach to VET provision – from course design and promotion, to HR policies and recruitment needed. It is certainly true that there are already some excellent examples around gender diversity training found across Europe. However, the most common approach within VET to tackling gender identity is to take a bottom up approach, which sees training and resources being focussed on individual groups or issues (e.g. just women or just trans issues etc.). The problem for VET professionals is that their provisions need to address the nuanced needs and demands of all of these groups, something which this more targeted training does not prepare them for. Therefore, the project looks to address this imbalance by providing tools which allow VET practitioners to develop a top-down view. In practice this will mean helping them to develop institutional frameworks and policy which enables them to highlight deficiencies and so focus on areas where the training already available on gender issues can have a real impact. Ultimately this will allow VET institutions to create inclusive learning environments which move beyond gender stereotypes to create a gender positive approach to learning (something which will allow staff and young people to better develop and thrive as individuals). To achieve this, the Gender+ project will take a pluralistic approach to gender identities, in order to explore the diversity that exists within the contemporary population. Examples of the types of gender issues to be addressed include moving beyond a view that female students should be limited to choosing traditionally ‘female’ courses, helping trans, non-binary etc. people feel able to take part in activities and tackling engrained ‘lad’ culture, which places pressures on young men to conform to outdated stereotypes. LiveBinder  |  Twitter The project is financed by Erasmus+ KA2: 2018-1-UK01-KA202-048039


Project duration: 2018 – 2020 Online learning environments are widely used by training institutions but those tend to be used as content delivery, therefore a huge capability of those environments and teaching method is missed. Also, a lot of practitioners are engaged with training activities not being educators (tutors, facilitators, coach, mentors, team leaders, human resources departments…). The necessary background of pedagogies and techniques is missed and theoretical manuals are not the best way to make that kind of people acquire the necessary skills. They need some effective and practical way to learn. They have a lot of experience and expertise teaching face-to-face, but when having to do online training, they miss the digital skills and affordance of the technological capabilities. We do not aim to create a manual for trainers, as there are a lot of already existing ones. We want to create an online course, together with a student’s workbook to directly teach future online trainers. We will reduce the theories to a minimum while focus on exercises and practise so they will feel the online environment as a learner. The title of the project “online training: the treasure within” makes reference of our target activity, that is “training”, and the treasure makes reference to all the benefits that can be obtained from online learning: (1) learning the subject course, (2), new learning methods based on net-society (3) applied ICT competences, including soft-skills and transversal digital competences. Partners applying for [onTrain] project have already identified the needs and potentialities of an adequate online training in papers such as “Senior students in virtual spaces; the treasure within” (P.Escuder et al. in ICERI 2015 Seville), “Virtual online learning; the evolution and grow of Senior Citizens” (P.Escuder et al. INTED 2017 Valencia), In these researches we do not only show the capacities of online teaching environments that usually are missed, but also the competences, soft skills, attitudes and values that adult and senior learners acquire. The validation here becomes also crucial and we want to facilitate this process as stated in the research “Technology-enhanced transversal skills for lifelong learning: method, competences, validation” (A.Beltran, R.Esteller et Al.l. in ICERI 2016 Seville). P3-ULE has also demonstrated a need of the project as the new trainers lack the expertise necessary to use a virtual platform for teaching (focus groups research), currently, senior trainers, are the ones involved in this exchange of knowledge. Besides the need and solution identified and published in previous conferences, there is also a European need. It can be observed from current policies: Action 68 of the “Digital Economy & Society” with the title “Member states to mainstream eLearning in national policies”, saying “Today eLearning is not sufficiently present in Member States’ education”, naming the benefits and supporting the effective use of ICT for learning. The CEDEFOP survey “How do teachers, trainers and learners rate e-learning training?” states the need of a motivational environment, being this the main factor of success (p. 25) also states that the future of the e-learning is Collaborative (p.41) and embedded in the Lifelong learning and competence development process (p. 33). On the “Key competences for lifelong learning” recommendation (Recommendation 2006/962/EC) considers 7 competences that are needed for citizens. Those competences describe some skills and attitudes, which the [onTrain] project targets: learning individually or in groups, organise one’s own learning, initiative, communicative skills and the confident and critical use of information society technology. We aim to create a learners’ coursebook and an online course for trainers with low ICT skills and technological pedagogies so they can learn by themselves the application of technology enhanced education methods, techniques and tools, thus they acquire the necessary skills and competences to become successful online trainers (1st aim). We want to support them and facilitate the transferability of the skills and competences learnt to their own subject (2nd aim). Those skills include the use of technology for collaboration, creativity, problem solving, teamwork, etc. A tool will be made available (as online service), so they can use the lessons learnt in their own teaching activities (3rd aim) Main target of this project are the trainers and educators (tutors, facilitators, coach, mentors, team leaders, human resources departments…) that want to start offering their training using online platforms. This project has to be carried out transnationally because it is necessary to take into consideration different kind of institutions and cultures; virtual education is an activity without frontiers and should be designed avoiding local restrictions or characteristics that would make methods and services we propose too much specific. Facebook The project is financed by Erasmus+ KA2: 2018-1-ES01-KA204-050702